A gift of $250,000 has been presented to East Central College from Ace Manufacturing and Parts Co., Sullivan, Mo. The gift was made to the East Central College Foundation’s Building for Success campaign — An Initiative for Tomorrow’s Workforce — which is raising funds to help the college renovate a building adjacent to the main campus in Union into a Business and Industry Center. The donation is believed to be the largest in the college’s history.
The new 28,388 square foot center will house the Precision Machining, Industrial Engineering Technology and Heating and Air Conditioning programs. The Center for Workforce Development also will be located there, as well as a welding lab for support of other academic programs and short-term workforce training.
A manufacturing lab in the new center will be named after Ace in recognition of its gift. The ECC foundation is seeking to raise $1.2 million toward the renovation project and tax credits are available to individuals and corporations who want to contribute. More than $5 million will be invested through various funds to purchase and renovate the new center that’s scheduled to be completed in late September.
Kevin Ijames Sr., Ace president, is proud to make this investment. “We often look to East Central College to provide training for our employees as well as new skilled employees from its manufacturing programs. This gift is an investment in our area’s youth, community and the manufacturing industry.”
Diana Ijames, Ace public relations director and an ECC Foundation board member, said the company is extremely excited and proud to partner with ECC on the project.
East Central College president Dr. Jon Bauer said he’s deeply grateful for this investment in the college’s students. “We are thrilled about this commitment from Ace Manufacturing and the Ijames family,” Bauer said. “This project is based on the need to provide highly qualified, highly skilled and highly needed graduates in these career and technical programs. This commitment shows that our employers share this vision.”
Shannon Grus, ECC Foundation executive director, said the Ace donation is the largest gift received so far in the campaign. “This gift is truly a testament of the commitment the Ijames family has to not only ECC, but to manufacturing in our community,” Grus said. “We are so grateful for their incredible generosity and their continued support of our students, faculty, facilities and programs.”
About the Building for Success campaign — An Initiative for Tomorrow’s Workforce
East Central College is approved to receive up to $600,000 in tax credits from the Missouri Development Finance Board to assist with fundraising efforts. Any taxpayer is entitled to the tax credits. Contributors will receive a 50 percent tax credit for their donation.
A donor can donate in three calendar years — 2016, 2017 and 2018 — and receive the credits. Each year’s credit can be carried forward for up to five years. All donations are tax deductible and donors can make a one-time donation or pledge an amount to be paid over one to five years. Pledges, matching gifts from an employer, planned gifts in memory or in-kind donations will be accepted.
Capital donations of $1,000 or more will be recognized in a permanent location in the building. In addition to the naming opportunity for major gifts, the campaign has established additional contribution levels: $25,000 to $100,000, major gifts; $15,000 to $24,999, leadership gifts; $5,000 to $14,999, special gifts; and up to $4,999, general gifts. Visit www.eastcentral.edu/foundation for more information.
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